
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, February 08, 2010

Ticket diplomacy

Iltalehti reports that Russia had been given the biggest number of parking tickets in Helsinki with 154. South Korea came second with 54 tickets. Russia did not pay a single ticket in 2009, South Korea paid one. However, South Korea greatly exceeds Russia in the amount of tickets per diplomat; Russia got only about 3 three per diplomat, while South Korea got nine.

The director of parking control in Helsinki Marjo Jumpponen says:
In my opinion it's immoral not to pay parking fines. That gives a bad reputation to the whole country, while they should show an example to others.
I'm happy to be back in the university after more than two years.

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