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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

new book: Modern Korean Society: Its Development and Prospect

A new book Modern Korean Society: Its Development and Prospect (eds. Kim, Hyuk-Rae and Bok Song) has been published by the Institute of East Asian Studies at University of California, Berkeley. The publisher's page does not contain info on the authors, but fortunately one of the editors, prof. Kim, sent a note to the Korean Studies list:
1. The Contour of Modern Korean Society (Hyuk-Rae Kim)
2. Regionalism and National Networks (Yong-Hak Kim)
3. The Korean Stratification System: Continuity and Change (Hagen Koo)
4. Inequality and Class Reproduction in Everyday Life (Wang-Bae Kim and Bok Song)
5. Economic Governance: Its Historical Development and Future Prospects (Hyuk-Rae Kim)
6. From Take-off to Drop-off?: Postwar Economic Development and Industrialization (Karl J. Fields)
7. Family, Gender, and Sexual Inequality (Seung-Kyung Kim)
8. Population Changes and Urbanization (Kye-Choon Ahn)
9. Social Grievances and Social Protests against the Oppressive State (Dong-No Kim)
10. The Making of Civil Society in Historical Perspective (Hyuk-Rae Kim)
11. Division, War, and Reunification (Bruce Cumings)

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