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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Khrushchev jokes

Markku Jokisipilä from the Dept. of Political History at the U. of Turku sums up the best bits of a student paper on the topic of general secretary Khrushchev in the light of Soviet jokes. This one is not bad (my translation from Finnish):
Kruschev was visiting an art exhibition with his aides and bodyguards. "What the hell is this green circle with yellow dots all over" asked the general secretary.
"Comrade Khrushchev, this painting depicts our heroic agricultural workers toiling to fill the norm of producing two million tons of grain."
"I see. What about this black triangle with red stripes?"
"It shows our heroic industrial workers at work."
"What is this fat ass with ears then?"
"Comrade Khrushchev, it's not a painting, it's a mirror."

And in Korean:
흐루쇼프 총비서꼐서 보조관과 경비원들과 함께 미술전시회에 다녀보셨다.
"이 곳곳에 노란 점이 있는 녹색 동구라미가 뭐지"라고 총비서께서 물어보셨다.
"총비서 동지, 그것은 2백만 톤의 곡식 생산목표를 달성하기 위해서 노력하는 우리 영웅적인 농업노동자들입니다."
"그렇군. 이 빨간 줄이 있는 검정 세모는?"
"우리 영웅적인 공장노동자들의 열심히 일하는 모습입니다."
"그러면, 이 귀가 달린 뚱뚱한 엉둥이 또 뭔데?"
"총비서 동지, 그것은 그림이 아니라 거울입니다."

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