
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"smash asem", support Chinese peasants

People calling themselves anarchists announce a demonstration against the ASEM meeting in Helsinki, Finland the following weekend. The announcement, here in English, begins as follows:
We heard news about peasants and sweatshop workers rioting all around China on almost a daily basis. The least we can do together to support them is to bring at least a bit of disorder to streets of Helsinki as well.
Expressing solidarity with oppressed people like Chinese peasants is all good - and Chinese peasants are truly oppressed - but don't ask solidarity from me if the police uncles see it appropriate and necessary to apply physical law enforcement on you; I'm going to side with the shopkeepers whose windows you're in all likelihood going to try to break.

But that was not what I set out to point out in this note. Of the four photos in the banner of the anarchist site, while refering to Chinese peasants, three are from Korea:
rioting somewhere there in the East
click to open a larger photo in a new window
It is understandable that it's more difficult to get good photographs from a totalitarian country like PRC, so Korean pics can do as well: people look the same, and the writing isn't all that different either. And who knows if even the second pic from the left is from a place like Hong Kong and not from the mainland (my knowledge on police gear is very scant).

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Comments to note ""smash asem", support Chinese peasants" (Comments to posts older than 14 days are moderated)

<Anonymous Anonymous> said on 15.9.06 : 

That is a good point, but in another hand Korean farmers face some similar kinds of problems as the Chinese. If you are interested about riot and demonstration photos from China, check out


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