
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Thursday, February 23, 2006

failure of a restaurant

Ohmynews ("Life Stories" section, not news or economy) has a story of the closure of a failed restaurant, written by the keeper herself. Opened in early 2004 (writer's story from April 2004), it had no more than two tables, and apparently two employees and later one (according to the keeper's story in Ohmy last year).

The writer does not give any definitive answer to why her restaurant failed. The business site of the place doesn't seem to have been bad: mainly offices and printing shops, which should be better places to deliver meals than private houses as orders tend to be bigger, but:
It did not take long to realise that business does not work just by one's dreams and hopes. I got used to the new things and environments and became comfortable with restaurant work, but orders diminished and I needed to let the other of the two delivery women (imo, "aunt") go. Rent was late, and I started to get urging phone calls from the landlord.
In the earlier story from last June the keeper wrote that in order not to make deficit, she would have needed to sell 50-60 4000W meals a day, but was selling only some 30-40. It's a feat she made it this far, so one is left wondering how much she's in debt at the moment. She'll be indebted for a few years from now on, so in the best case she'll end up being a good if painful and expensive experience richer.

Good to see this kind of realism amidst the rosy success stories in other media, which often are more infomercials than journalistic stories, geared for franchising companies.

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