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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Thursday, November 03, 2005

voice from DLP on KCTU and DPRK

A critique by Pak Yong-jin of the Democratic Labor Party on his on party after the lost election in Ulsan (via Jinbonuri). According to Pak's own page (here and here) his opinion has already drawn attention from the mainstream press. No wonder, since one doesn't see a DLP member of some prominence demand, among other things, that the party break its silence concerning DPRK.
There is also another taboo which needs to be broken. [The first was critique of KCTU, 민주노총.] No citizen will support a party which cannot utter any critique on the North Korean declaration of possession of nuclear arms. The party (DLP) needs to have a discussion and formulate an opinion on the questions of the return of kidnapped fishermen, human rights of North Korean refugees, workers' rights, democracy, and the DPRK political system. These are issues which no more shall be avoided on the pretext of causing discomfort to DPRK.

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