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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

sakku ad from 1930s and condom factory

I think that I may have heard this before, but an Ohmynews interview on a condom sales manager (or something, chônmu) Mr Yi of Unidus tells that the company is the biggest condom manufacturer in the world. Heh, the name of the company is "Unidus" (유니더스), but it comes from "you need us". Mr Yi is unhappy with the Korean regulations. "Consumers would like ot have all kinds of condoms, but the government thinks that it's enough if they prevent conception and diseases. For example we've exported already two million of the Long Love erection and ejaculation extending model to United States, but we got the sales lisence in Korea only in August last year."

Who'd be the Korean celeb to endorse Unidus?

As an illustration I link a picture from a feature in Media Daum introducing old advertisements:

On the left: condom (sakku) ad from the 1930s.
On the right: "birth control station" (産兒調節所 sana chojôlso). Is the use of condom harmless; which one of the sexes has more sexual desire; problems during period etc.

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