
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Chosun Ilbo beginning to lean towards Roh govt?

Chang Ki-p'yo (or Jang Ki-pyo, I don't know) is a man who's been going his own way in Korean politics after his democracy struggle years and prison time, mostly failing like in launching a Social Democratic party but often producing interesting commentary about the nation. In the header of his homepage he is now having a "people's campaign for saving Korea" (Nara kuhagi kungminundong). His most recent opinion piece in his homepage , "Changing Chosun Ilbo, blessing or a curse?" (Korean) is about the recent change in the attitude of Chosun Ilbo towards the Roh government. I myself don't have the time and energy to read Korean papers in the net so precisely that I'd have gotten aware of such change, but Mr Chang surely has better antlers than I... Chang accounts the changes he's been sensing to what is basically the opportunism of the newspaper; it's been supporting political powers which have failed to grab power in the last two presidential elections, and as it doesn't seem likely that Grand National Party will succeed even in the future, it's best to get closer to where the powers are.

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