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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

social democrats within DLP

People who want to make the Democratic Labor Party more oriented towards social democracy have organized themselves into a kind of an association (see homepage). The rift between the so-called socialists and nationalists withing DLP is getting bigger, so this is aimed to be one solution to appeal for wider masses.
I wouldn't mind seeing the position of the nationalists weaken in the DLP, but I'm not sure if DLP is ready for the internationalism that social democracy in principle demands. Would it be ready to join for example The Socialist International, where parties like The Labour of Britain are members?
This movement within DLP should also drive for parliamentary action instead of hunger strikes and the like, since social democracy is about parliamentary democracy - as much as the Korean parliament looks like one big mess, and non-parliamentary political action is a tested method to make one's voice heard. And is there courage in this movement to give more emphasis on minju at the expense of minjok?

Here's one column by a person (as far as I can tell) active in the DLP, about the "anticommunist campaign" by social democratic elements within the DLP before the party elections in June: 민주노동당의 반공캠페인과 사민주의 (from Voice of People).
He is correct, in many Western European nations the social democrats were the most important anticommunist force and the enemy of the dictatorship of the proletariat, standing in the way of the revolution with their reformism.

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Comments to note "social democrats within DLP" (Comments to posts older than 14 days are moderated)

<Anonymous Anonymous> said on 10.8.04 : 

RE: " And is there courage in this movement to give more emphasis on minju on the expense of minjok?"

I think there certainly is, just that there aren't many who care more for minju. Few as they may be, they've got the courage.


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