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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, May 10, 2004

(Family and kin) An indemnity lawsuit

This is both a human interest piece of news as it concerns a famous author, and I can sort of look at is as data on "Korean family and kinship". The not-yet-divorced wife of the novelist Hwang Seok-young (황석영) has failed a law suit for indemnity (is that the correct term?) against a certain Ms K, who seems to be Hwang's partner since many years. She claims 500 million W [€330 000] in damages. (Joongang Ilbo)

"I am the legal wife of Mr Hwang, but "K" has acted as if she was Mr Hwang's wife, which has caused me mental anguish (chôngsinjôk kot'ong)." "Ms K knows well that Mr Hwang's divorce procedure has not yet ended and that his wife does not wish to divorce, but she and Mr Hwang have lived for almost six years like a married couple, and she has appeared with Mr Hwang in public, which has given me mental anguish."
The novelist Hwang filed for divorce in 2002, and was given a partial judgement (?) (일부승소 판결), but his wife appealed, and the case is pending in the appeals court.

Couldn't she also have filed a lawsuit against her husband for adultery (kant'ongchoe)? 남편이 밉지 않고 남편의 여자친구만 미운 건 아니겠지? I remember vaguely that living separately wouldn't free the still legally married spouses to commit adultery, but as soon as lawsuit for divorce has been filed, legal proceedings against adultery would no more be possible. But I may remember wrong. (I used to download loads of interesting articles from the Korean media in the net, but now with this blog thing I do that less and less, and it's not good.)

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